søndag 26. august 2012


I hadn't really done any research about Shanghai, but Greg had, so I he decided (well, it was so easy and convenient to let him do all the decision making in China) we were to go the Zhujiajiao one day. And so we did.

Zhujiajiao is an old channel town with narrow streets. Once upon a time it must have been a beautiful town, and it still is, but has been very turistified, and there is souvenirs everywhere. However, in contrast to other places, they don't yell after you.


I have finally gotten internet that works, so here is some more pics from Shanghai.

I have to admit, at first I hated Shanghai, but after two weeks and one more Chinese guy that had fallen in love with me I didn't want to leave the city.

tirsdag 21. august 2012


I know I haven't blogged in a while, but I blame it all the ultra slow internet the hostel provides. There's not really much to say, so enjoy the pics, more will come later when I find internet that works.

Jingan Temple - a perfect example of Shanghai's love for mixing old and new.

søndag 12. august 2012

The beer city

After my friends went to Qingdao and told me tales of great beer and sandy beaches, I have been dreaming of going there, so I jumped on a plane in Xi'an and left for the City of Beer. 

The journey to Qingdao was everything than easy; the flight was delayed, the airport bus was delayed, the bus stopped at the wrong stop, I asked for directions and was shown the wrong way and in the end I ended up taking the taxi, which brought me to the completely wrong place. The only positive thing was a lovely sun set on the bus and that I made it inside the hostel before the typhoon rain set in.

søndag 5. august 2012


I might have showed you the terra cottas, but here's the rest of the pictures from Xi'an.

Every hostel should have a pet, and this is Doudou the turtle - of course named after Doudou the hostel dog in Beijing. First he didn't like me, but after a few days we were best friends!

onsdag 1. august 2012

Terra cotta-otta-ye-ye

New day, new opportunities, new city - or something like that. Anyway, the day before yesterday I arrived slightly hungover and very tired here in Xi'an, but I'm not easy to stop, so yesterday morning I got up really early and went on a guided tour of the terra cotta army right outside Xi'an.

First stop on the tour was the tomb of the first emperor Qin Shi Huang. If you can see that mountain thing in the background I can now tell you that is the tomb. It's man made and this is the closest we got.