fredag 27. juli 2012


My days here in Beijing are coming to an end, and I figured it's time to do the last sightseeing in stead of sitting the hostel all day. I've been to the Temple of Heaven before, but I met to guys and they really wanted to go there, so I went with them.

A big activity in Tiantan is playing cards and majiang, and everybody line up to look at the game and also to criticize the way they're playing. Quite interesting.

onsdag 25. juli 2012

798 Art District

It has been another rainy, smoggy and to say the least moist day in Beijing. This is the city where I spend all day sitting the hostel, stalking people on Facebook and eat food, because I consider the city as conquered. Yes, I feel like I been to every place all the tourists should go to and some more, but when I woke up this morning I suddenly remembered there is one major place I haven't been to so far; 798 Art District. 

lørdag 21. juli 2012

A very rainy day

Rain. Raaaain. Raaaaaaiiiiiin. Seriously, I have never seen so much rain in my entire life. It has been raining all day, and I suspect it's closer to 20 cm. There's not much to do in Beijing when it's raining, so I spent the day testing my rain gear when I walked between the bar and the bathroom.

Amelia, one of the staff in the bar, loved my rain gear so much she had to try the whole outfit. I'm pleased to say it works really good!

fredag 20. juli 2012

Looking for a place to stay

So, it's been a whole week since I left Norway, heading for China. My God, it feels good to be back! Everything is so cheap, people are so polite and the food tastes so good. It has also been a bit strange to be back, a lot of things have changed; Huaqingjiayuan is closed up, you need a key to get in (or just sneak in behind someone like I do) and all the staff at Helen's is transferred (I actually find this the worst).

fredag 13. juli 2012

A returning redhead

So, here we go again. In about six hours I leave Norway, head for Denmark before I end up in my favorite city - Beijing! The bag is far from being packed, but I can't do anything but walk around like a zombie doing nothing. Why? I got butterflies!

It's time to pack, I'll update again sometime after I arrive in Beijing. 再见!