1. Be conversational in three languages simultaneously. 
 a. Norwegian 
 b. English 
 c. German
2. Live outside Norway for at least 365 days.
3. Visit all the continents.
 a. North America
 b. South America
 c. Europe
 d. Africa
 e. Oceania
 f. Asia
4. Break a bone.
5. Learn to drive a motor cycle.
6. Drive across the U.S.
7. Swim in: 
 a. The Pacific ocean (2011)
 b. The Atlantic ocean
8. Cross the International Date Line.
9. Skydive (2011)
10. See Aurora Borealis.
11. Get married.
12. Let my nephew do something that my sister wouldn’t approve of.
13. See these monuments:
 a. Statue of Liberty (2006)
 b. Big Ben (2007)
 c. Eiffel Tower (2010)
 d. the Pyramids
 e. Taj Mahal
 f. Great wall of China (2010)
14. Be an extra in a film.
15. Travel the world for a whole year.
16. Send a message in a bottle.
17. Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia.
18. Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich.
19. See a lunar eclipse.
20. Spend New Year's in an exotic location.
21. Sleep under the stars.
22. Drive the Autobahn.
23. Create my Family Tree (four links required)
24. Swim with dolphins.
25. Bury a time capsule
26. Visit 25 counties (no airports or train stations): Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Malasya, China, Australia, UK, Ireland, USA. (17)
27. Walk the great wall of China. (2010)
28. Join the mile high-club.
29. Vote. (2009)
30. Climb Norway's highest mountain (2006)
31. Watch the sun set and sunrise the same day (2010)
32. Watch a meteor shower
33. Kiss in the rain.
34. Go to Las Vegas.
35. Visit Norway's 10 biggest cities: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Fredrikstad, Tromsø, Sandnes, Drammen og Sarpsborg.
36. Visit the world's 10 biggest cities: Tokyo, Shanghai, Mexico city, New York, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Calcutta, Jakarta, Buenos Aires. (there are a lot of different lists, I don't know if this is the correct one)
37. Go on a safari in Africa.
38. Visit all nations in UK: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
39. Visit all provinces and stated in Australia: Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, ACT, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory.
40. Study abroad (2011)

Completed: 11 of 40

To be continued...