The plan was to go to the cricket today. Unfortunatly for the cricket, the weather cleared up, so instead I jumped on the tram (which really is a city line) out to St. Kilda Beach. Lucky for me the tram to St. Kilda stops right outside the door here at the hostel. Yay!
onsdag 29. desember 2010
mandag 27. desember 2010
On the road with Groovy Grapes
On the first day of christmas I woke up early and Kara drove me and Tristan in to the city. There I was picked up by the Groovy Grape bus.

Our fantastic bus. I sat right behind the open door.
søndag 26. desember 2010
I guess I have to update my blog again (my mother rang and complained). So here's what's happen in Adelaide:
Kara picked me up at the airport in Adelaide and helped me carry my manilla bags. From there we drove on to Jenni (first I tried to jump in the car on the driverside), played games, went back home to Kara's family.

Kara picked me up at the airport in Adelaide and helped me carry my manilla bags. From there we drove on to Jenni (first I tried to jump in the car on the driverside), played games, went back home to Kara's family.
Jenni wants a shark
tirsdag 21. desember 2010
No worries, mate!
Landed in Adelaide, picked up by Kara, went shopping yesterday, bought a backpack and hiking shoes, went on a familiytrip with the Lee family today, saw a koala, kanguru, black swan, lizzard, and some pelicans. Nice and warm.
More later!
More later!
søndag 19. desember 2010
Good bye Perth!
Right now I'm sitting at the airport in Perth waiting for my plane to leave for Adelaide. My backpack is still gone (going to arrive tomorro, tomorrow, later today, tomorrow), but they gave me 350 AUD and said they didn't know where it was. They also said the luggage always turns up - doesn't help me much though.
Because my backpack is still gone, I have to buy everything. I only got an adapter today, so I'm finally charging my computer, but I have no charger for my mobile or camera. Think I have to pop by Dick Smith tomorrow. I will also be needing a new backpack, I can't keep carrying all my stuff in Manilla bags, and hiking shoes.
The weather has so far been very nice here in Perth, I got sunburned on friday, got dehydrated on saturday and felt the Fremantle Doctor both days (that's the breeze from south).
More pictures from Perth will be up when I have more time! :)
Me and my money!
Because my backpack is still gone, I have to buy everything. I only got an adapter today, so I'm finally charging my computer, but I have no charger for my mobile or camera. Think I have to pop by Dick Smith tomorrow. I will also be needing a new backpack, I can't keep carrying all my stuff in Manilla bags, and hiking shoes.
The weather has so far been very nice here in Perth, I got sunburned on friday, got dehydrated on saturday and felt the Fremantle Doctor both days (that's the breeze from south).
South Perth
More pictures from Perth will be up when I have more time! :)
I < 3 cricket
I have a new favorite game - cricket. Forget all about handball, football (ugh), tennis and curling; cricket is my new favorite. It's strange though, how a game that lasts for seven hours and for five days can thrill me so much.
I luckily knew some of the rules before I left Norway, and I had now idea I would be in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney during the Ashes (and for that sake in Hobart for the Rolex race). I spent the last couple of days bothering Chris and James with stupid questions. What just happen? Do the ball have to bounce? Why did the judge do that? They have been really patient with me, and I want to thank them for that, because now I can see a whole game of cricket, scream and yell and still know what's happening.

I have to classify cricket as a civilized type of football. Of course cricket is nothing like football, but the fans - oh my, they can make noice, yell and so on, but they do not fight. And they can sit right next to the opponent without problems. No wonder I like cricket. Even better is you can sit the whole day out in the sun, doing nothing and at the same time do everything.

On friday I watched the game on a big screen i Jameson Park
Chris from Manchester - my first cricket victim.
I luckily knew some of the rules before I left Norway, and I had now idea I would be in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney during the Ashes (and for that sake in Hobart for the Rolex race). I spent the last couple of days bothering Chris and James with stupid questions. What just happen? Do the ball have to bounce? Why did the judge do that? They have been really patient with me, and I want to thank them for that, because now I can see a whole game of cricket, scream and yell and still know what's happening.
At WACA, the cricket arena. Saturday.
I have to classify cricket as a civilized type of football. Of course cricket is nothing like football, but the fans - oh my, they can make noice, yell and so on, but they do not fight. And they can sit right next to the opponent without problems. No wonder I like cricket. Even better is you can sit the whole day out in the sun, doing nothing and at the same time do everything.
Probably the cheeziest picture ever taken
fredag 17. desember 2010
Latest news
I managed to get sunburned in the shade of a tree with SPF 30 +. I love cricket. Don't ever drink a liter of orange juice in 20 minutes. I've eaten spaghetti and tomato sauce two days in a row and I'm going to eat it tomorrow too. I've discovered I actually have two tongues.
torsdag 16. desember 2010
Picture time!
The first glimpses of Australia
Backpack got lost, so this is all I have at the moment.
In Australia you can rent fences.
Christmas pluss sun pluss green leafs equals something very worng.
It's a nice tree, but still, very wrong.
I found this in Target (Do Oskar want one of these for christmas?)
And the tag said this...
Yup, I'm still alive.
And yes, I'm still white!
Still insane.
Yummy, christmas presents!
And I found my twin sister!
See ya later!
I'm in Perth and still without my backpack. It should have arrived yesterday and the last time I heard from them it was supposed to arrive this morning. All I have to do now is to wait and see. At least I've talked with my insurance company and got some money to buy clothes for. Hooray! I also showered for the first time in four days. I stood in the reception and blinked with my big eyes without make up, and she gave me a towel she found under the counter. Finally ungreasy hair, but I ahd to wash it with soap. Lovely!
Enough about how much my life sucks, this is my impression so far:
- The fields are squared.
- They make salt.
- They are overly friendly and speaks way to fast for me to understand.
- I've met Greenpeace three times the last to days. I told them whale burgers are really tasty.
- It's expenceive here. Everybody is complaining, except me - it's still cheaper than Norway.
-They shouldn't celebrate christmas here, even less sing songs about sled rides.
- It's warm, but not that warm. I'm still heat stroking every now and then.
- EVERYBODY, and I mean everybody believes I'm from Ireland. Even the Irish guy thought I had an Irish accent.
- An old lady passed me on the street, turned, went back to me and told me she loved my hair.
- I live in Little Asia. I thought every one was Asians the first few hours here in Perth.
Pictures will be uploaded later.
Og mamma - jeg har det fint. Sengen er god, det er to som snorker paa rommet og hun over meg fiser. Luften er tett, men hostellet er skikkelig koselig. Har kjoept australsk nummer, jeg sender deg det naar jeg faar ladet opp mobilen min igjen.
Enough about how much my life sucks, this is my impression so far:
- The fields are squared.
- They make salt.
- They are overly friendly and speaks way to fast for me to understand.
- I've met Greenpeace three times the last to days. I told them whale burgers are really tasty.
- It's expenceive here. Everybody is complaining, except me - it's still cheaper than Norway.
-They shouldn't celebrate christmas here, even less sing songs about sled rides.
- It's warm, but not that warm. I'm still heat stroking every now and then.
- EVERYBODY, and I mean everybody believes I'm from Ireland. Even the Irish guy thought I had an Irish accent.
- An old lady passed me on the street, turned, went back to me and told me she loved my hair.
- I live in Little Asia. I thought every one was Asians the first few hours here in Perth.
Pictures will be uploaded later.
Og mamma - jeg har det fint. Sengen er god, det er to som snorker paa rommet og hun over meg fiser. Luften er tett, men hostellet er skikkelig koselig. Har kjoept australsk nummer, jeg sender deg det naar jeg faar ladet opp mobilen min igjen.
onsdag 15. desember 2010
Life sucks sometimes
Landed safely in Perth. My backpack is gone and will probably arrive tonight. I got a t-shirt with a Quantas logo. Thank you. More later.
tirsdag 14. desember 2010
Hong Kong update
I have one thing to say about Hong Kong - it's warm. Very warm if it was -15 when you left home and it's +20 when you arrive. Gosh, I think I'm going to heat stroke. People are very Chinese here (no wonder), and they play loads of christmas songs over the speakers. Quite anoying. Here in HK airport you can choose between two types of food; chinese and McDonalds. I chose some chinese dish called Pork Meat Sause on Nudles. It tasted quite good, but they made the soup on salt and chlorine. Yummy. Suprisingly enough they sell books about Liu Xiaobo here, but I can't read them, they're on Chinese.
The flight over here went smoothly, eventhough my ticket was cancelled (I managed to get the last one on the plane). I had a lot of space for my legs and I slept for eight hours. But I'm a bit worried my backpack still is in France. They've screwed up pretty good so far, and the lady I was supposed to ask whether my luggage made the plane didn't understad and said all the luggage was in the plane already. Stupid lady. I'm going to put hell and earth on fire if my luggage isn't with me. The flight attendant tried to hit on me sevral times (I first thought he was gay); "You are so beautiful. I've never been to Norway, but after seeing you I know it has to be only beautiful ladies there" and "I love you, I love your red hair, you are wonderful". Jeez.
Pork Meat Sause on Nodles.
The flight over here went smoothly, eventhough my ticket was cancelled (I managed to get the last one on the plane). I had a lot of space for my legs and I slept for eight hours. But I'm a bit worried my backpack still is in France. They've screwed up pretty good so far, and the lady I was supposed to ask whether my luggage made the plane didn't understad and said all the luggage was in the plane already. Stupid lady. I'm going to put hell and earth on fire if my luggage isn't with me. The flight attendant tried to hit on me sevral times (I first thought he was gay); "You are so beautiful. I've never been to Norway, but after seeing you I know it has to be only beautiful ladies there" and "I love you, I love your red hair, you are wonderful". Jeez.
Well, Now I'm sitting here in Hong Kong. The plane is leaving in 2,5 hours. The time is nine in the evening and dark outside, my head telles me it's two in the afternoon and it should be sunny outside. Weel, screw jetlag, it's summer in 10 hours !
mandag 13. desember 2010
Thank God for SAS
On our way to the airport
My slightly worried mother.
Sometimes it's your day, sometimes it's not. This day is both. It started on the worst possible way; my plane to Charles DeGaulle was 1,5 hours delaied. That mean I would miss my flight from France to Hong Kong. Luckily I rebooked. But - I had to switch planes in Copenhagen. Not onle did that mean I got 20 min longer flight, I also had to run. From having good time for the 19:10-flight, I had less than halv an hour to my fight left. I ran though the fast track safty check and staight to my gate. I barely made it.
The flight it self was very clam, but my mother stressed me out (she always do that when she has "bad time" - little time) and I got crancky and nervous. I even got food I can't eat. Hurray for cold chicken. Apparantly I got food because I sat on Economy Extra. What a luxury when you can't eat the food.
The nice expencive chocolate.
I'm sort of a player - I like to play people so I can get my will; so after beeing hungry and a bit crancky I went to my other gate right after landing and clamed to be a veggie. I'm not a veggie, but I usually don't like the food. But karma sometimes bit me in the ass. In business class you get what the Danish guy call "bøf" or steak in English. Steak made in the plane. Gosh, I hate my self. But I got lucky aswell, the lady noticed I hadn't special food all the way (no wonder when I didn't order it), so she felt really sorry for me and would fix it for me. Yay. I liked that lady. Now, hopefully she manages to fix it.
The After Eight-thingie and the lemon fromage.
The flight attendants here in business class are very kind and polite - I don't know how I'm going to manage to spend the next 18 hours on regular economy with crying babies and unpolite Chinese people. I also notice I get more polite to them when they are so polite to me. I don't know whether taht has somthing to do with them beeing to on job, while only four to attend.
Karma is nice to me aswell, I got a very nice sandwich insted of the steak, and as much free drinks as I want (like everyone alse). A napkin made out of cloth. Fork and knife made out of steel and not plastic. Some very expencive chocolate (one with "Sitron fromage" and one tasting like AFter Eight and gingerbread at the same time). A glass made out of glass. A coffee cup made out of.. you know, that thing cofee cups are made of. What an experience. I have only one thing to complai about; the tea taste like chlorine. Yuk.
I've got a fever - travel fever
I have one watch on each hand - the one on the left hand shows the present time in Norway. The one on the right hand is many hours wrong - or so it seems, but the truth is much simpler; it shows Perth time. It's less than a day until I leave. I've been grumpy, yelling and not very fun to be with, just ask my mom. I just want to travel. I know I should go to sleep, the time moves so much faster then. I can't sleep, I just can't. My bag is packed, but still, I still got this nagging feeling of something forgotten. Passport - check. Tickets - check. What is it? What can it be? I try to calm my self by saying I probably can buy it in Australia. Seriously - what is it? I know I've forgotten my nail clipper, but that can't be it. I just have to wait and see.
It was so hard to pack. How warm is 28 degrees? Can I pack my woolen socks, it's so cold outside. Trousers, long underpants and big knitted sweaters. Everything tells me I wont need them, but still, I want to bring them. I am so afraid of freezing, but as my mother said; I will probably think 15 degrees is warm. I keep thinking, thins summer it was 45 degrees in Rome. That was nice. 28 degrees in Perth must be freezing. The nine below zero here in Norway is nothing, that's warm.
I keep talking. I should sleep. I want to travel right about now.
It was so hard to pack. How warm is 28 degrees? Can I pack my woolen socks, it's so cold outside. Trousers, long underpants and big knitted sweaters. Everything tells me I wont need them, but still, I want to bring them. I am so afraid of freezing, but as my mother said; I will probably think 15 degrees is warm. I keep thinking, thins summer it was 45 degrees in Rome. That was nice. 28 degrees in Perth must be freezing. The nine below zero here in Norway is nothing, that's warm.
I keep talking. I should sleep. I want to travel right about now.
torsdag 2. desember 2010
The countdown has started
Time left for Australia:
I'm so looking forward to this - my first exam is finished, I only have to essays, one test and one exam left. Then to partys, then I go home to Hamar and then my friends, then I go to the airport and leave for Australia! Yay!
My life has been a bit sucky lately; my computer died (and I mean - it's dead, gone, can't be reoaired) with my finished essay. So now I have to write it again. I don't want to hear a single word about backup, alright? A while back a go my watch broke as well - my lovely watch which had lots gems on the Chinese wall, Budapest, my favorite pub, at the cabin trip - and they told me when I went to repair it; it dead, gone, can't repaired. It's just my lucky week.
I'm so looking forward to this - my first exam is finished, I only have to essays, one test and one exam left. Then to partys, then I go home to Hamar and then my friends, then I go to the airport and leave for Australia! Yay!
My life has been a bit sucky lately; my computer died (and I mean - it's dead, gone, can't be reoaired) with my finished essay. So now I have to write it again. I don't want to hear a single word about backup, alright? A while back a go my watch broke as well - my lovely watch which had lots gems on the Chinese wall, Budapest, my favorite pub, at the cabin trip - and they told me when I went to repair it; it dead, gone, can't repaired. It's just my lucky week.
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