I'm in Perth and still without my backpack. It should have arrived yesterday and the last time I heard from them it was supposed to arrive this morning. All I have to do now is to wait and see. At least I've talked with my insurance company and got some money to buy clothes for. Hooray! I also showered for the first time in four days. I stood in the reception and blinked with my big eyes without make up, and she gave me a towel she found under the counter. Finally ungreasy hair, but I ahd to wash it with soap. Lovely!
Enough about how much my life sucks, this is my impression so far:
- The fields are squared.
- They make salt.
- They are overly friendly and speaks way to fast for me to understand.
- I've met Greenpeace three times the last to days. I told them whale burgers are really tasty.
- It's expenceive here. Everybody is complaining, except me - it's still cheaper than Norway.
-They shouldn't celebrate christmas here, even less sing songs about sled rides.
- It's warm, but not that warm. I'm still heat stroking every now and then.
- EVERYBODY, and I mean everybody believes I'm from Ireland. Even the Irish guy thought I had an Irish accent.
- An old lady passed me on the street, turned, went back to me and told me she loved my hair.
- I live in Little Asia. I thought every one was Asians the first few hours here in Perth.
Pictures will be uploaded later.
Og mamma - jeg har det fint. Sengen er god, det er to som snorker paa rommet og hun over meg fiser. Luften er tett, men hostellet er skikkelig koselig. Har kjoept australsk nummer, jeg sender deg det naar jeg faar ladet opp mobilen min igjen.
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Hold deg unna hun som fiser.. Gass angrep er ikke bra. Her er det blitt mildere. oskar har funnet noen ganle gaver fra Donald, så han har endel å holde på med, men skravla hans er verre en min.
Ser du har det bra. Oskar har prøvd å ta livet av mamma med hvorfor det, hvorfor det, momor vet du hva... vet du hva momor.... Og lille vennen hadde glemt DS sin i Trondheim, tok under en dag før momor var utslitt og gikk ut og kjøpte en ny!!! Så slik er livet i gamle landet ;)