mandag 27. desember 2010

On the road with Groovy Grapes

On the first day of christmas I woke up early and Kara drove me and Tristan in to the city. There I was picked up by the Groovy Grape bus.

Our fantastic bus. I sat right behind the open door.

Yay! We started of driving up the Adelaide hills to say good bye to the city, before setting of on a 500 km tour to the Grampians.

Jumping picture on a mushroom stone. Got'a love it!

We stopped a couple of times to eat and go to the toilet. Whales, our guide is a great guy, really kind person! After a loooong time we arrived in the Grampians (or Gariwerd) and McKenzie falls. Great water fall, but nothing I haven't seen before. Then we went down to Halls Gap and to Ned's hostel. We ate, we drank and I went to bed 9:30 pm.

Kangaroos in the morning sun out side Ned's Hostel. 

On the second day of christmas (christmas eve) we woke up early and left the hostel at 7 am. I was the only one awake. We stopped not far from the hostel, but the bus spent ages geetimg up the hills. The hike was very nice, I only spent 30 mins up, but I wasn't a big fan of the descent, so I managed to use 1,5 hours on 3,2 kms.

Yup, I came, I conquerd, I left (or something like that).

After that we sat on the bus again and went down to the Great Ocean Road. Once we got there - oh what a sight! Wonderful! Magic! That's really the place to go - but go on a guided tour, you'll get so much out of it!

A stone.

Back at the hostel we ate dinner, before we went back for the sunset.

There are twelve aposteles, but you can only see seven of them at the main site. To see the rest you have to travel for ten minutes.

Unfortunatly there was a lot of clouds, so we spent the time drinking instead.

I'm the new Corona Extra girl.

Back at the hostel the party was on, but I'm a bit of a bore, so I went to bed early.

 The whole group: Koni, Patricia, me, Thomas, Daniela, Markus, Des, John, Coby, Manfred and grandma Miryam on the top row. Mathias (?), Coreen, Meg(?), Claudia, Ana, Fleur, Little Daniela and Mauricio.

I had 20 tries to get this picture.

Yup, I'm stong.

 On the third day of christmas I woke up in the middle of the night of a terrible smell. When we all woke up, we found out what it was - somebody had pooed in one of the beds, and the poor girl that slept in that bed was so drunk when she went to sleep, she didn't notice. After that little "accident" we went back to the Great Ocean Road, took some more pictures, fed some parrots and travelled on.

One of MANY parrots. Most of them liked to sit in my hair after Thomas had bird seeds there.

For christmas lunch we had fish and chips. I ate the fish but not the chips. Lovely though! Then we countinued on, stopped in the "rainforrest", Bells beach and at a war memorial. About seven in the evening we arrived in the beatiful city of Melbourne.

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