So, who'd thought that I'd, I repeat I, start doing cheerleading. Don't blame me; blame NTU and Synnøve. Yup, it's all their fault. Why? Because on our orientation day the cheer team had a performance, and I said to Synnøve that I'd like to join, because it looked so stupid. She replied rather sarcastic "haha, good luck". Well, people shouldn't dare me like that, because then I start doing things like cheerleading.
I'm not a quiter so I went to the cheerleading orientation, and decided that this is what I want to spend my evenings doing for the next year. Sounds fun, huh?
Cheerleading is not piece of cake, even though it might look like it sometimes, so on the very next Saturday we got up early and took the bus to NCCU to have a whole day of cheerleading camp.

Let me introduce Jemina, often called Jenny, from Finland. She's also doing cheerleading. She's a flyer, where as I'm a base (I think it might have something to do with that she's like a feather and I'm a big Viking), so she gets lifted, I lift. Looks fun, right? This one is called elevator, and when we started doing this it took quite long time, some screaming was involved and we were quite unsure of ourselves.
This is probably the only time I'm going to be a flyer. As you might see, I got three big guys to lift me up, whereas usually the flyers only need three strong girls. Fun though. I might diet 25 kilos so I can be a flyer.
Jemina isn't always happy, but we have great fun!
At camp they tried to teach us all these stupid dances. Well, I tried, failed and gave up. Some people did it so much better, like my co-base in blue t-shirt. Unfortunately I can never remember her name! Woops, sorry!
Everybody that participated at the camp; yellow t-shirts is NCCU, red t-shirts is NTU and the rest is newbies like me. As you might see, NCCU's team is... slightly bigger than our.
And as a little teat in the end, this is where we are now; we're getting better and more efficient. Well, we have some breaks too, and then we have time to take stupid pictures, like this one of me and Circle (he also likes doing my homework for beer).
Looks fun :D Ex-HTC Angels?