Even though I think my family is a pain in the ass some times, it's nice to have them over for a visit too!
The first week they were here, it was Golden Week, which means I had time off from school. We did all the touristy stuff; we went to Tiananmen square, Olympic city, Summer palace, shopping, Sanlitun. Everybody learned to eat with chop stick, except for my sister, everybody liked the food, exept for my sister - yeah, you know. During their second week here, I had exams, so they went to the Forbidden city and the Great Wall without me; and I have to say, they managed suprisingly well even though they don't speak Chinese and the Chinese don't speak English!
Well, I should probably also tell you about my four trips to the hospital. It startet off as nothing too serious; I had just severe diarrhea that wouldn't stop. No problem, I went to the school hospital, got a shot of pain killers into my ass and some pills to eat. It fixed it untill the next day. The next day I couldn't eat because of terrible pain in my stomach, but in the evening I decided to go to Lush to have some fries. Bad idea! I collapsed in pain and a very nice Australian guy took me to the hospital. In the hospital they gave me fluids, pain killers, took an ultra sound and checked whether I was pregnant - twice. Five hours and 11 000 RMB later I was allowed to go home.
So much for going home, sunday I sayed all day in bed and didn't move, wich was OK. Monday, however, was hell. I went to school and spent four hours crying in class because of pain and exhuation. My wonderful friend, Japan, thought my heart was broken. After class I went back to the hospital and was hospitalized for three days. They didn't figure out what was wrong, so they sent me home, eventhough I couldn't eat or drink. Cost? About 40 000 RMB.
It didn't last for long, on friday me and my friends went out. I made it all the way to the bathroom before I passed out in front of Shuaige. Poor guy; 19 years old and probably never seen a person faint before, so he was scared as shit and he even said "zaogao". Everybody meant I should go home and rest, but I went to the hospital instead. Fun. There I got more fluids and got admitted again. This time is was hospitalized for almost nine days. I got a gostroscopy and CT. My mother came down. I got well. Cost? 108 000 RMB.
After 14 days of antibiotics and rest I started to feel better and got back to school. Now I'm almost, though 10 kg skinner, back to normal, my wonderful Hanyu teacher said I looked like my old self. So, no need to worry!
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