torsdag 24. november 2011

The days are quickly coming to an end

I remember how I a year ago was so excited about going to Australia for a whole month. A month of warmth, beaches and sunburn. Now I'm in China and it's freezing. I've been here for five months and in 33 days I'm going home, but there is nothing I want more than to stay here forever.

I've fallen in love with country, with this city, with this district. I have encountered the honesty you don't find anywhere else, the love of helping other people, the culture that is so different from anything else, but still is dominant for most of the people in this world.

But here I am, soon on my way home. If you want to, you can pick me up 27th of December, 21:15 at the airport.

søndag 20. november 2011

October update

So much happened in October; my family came over for two weeks, I had three exams and I was hospitalized.

Even though I think my family is a pain in the ass some times, it's nice to have them over for a visit too!
The first week they were here, it was Golden Week, which means I had time off from school. We did all the touristy stuff; we went to Tiananmen square, Olympic city, Summer palace, shopping, Sanlitun. Everybody learned to eat with chop stick, except for my sister, everybody liked the food, exept for my sister - yeah, you know. During their second week here, I had exams, so they went to the Forbidden city and the Great Wall without me; and I have to say, they managed suprisingly well even though they don't speak Chinese and the Chinese don't speak English!