Yesterday, Lars and I packed our bags and set sails for Yangshuo. If you have been to Guilin and think that is a beautiful place - think again; there is nothing more beautiful in this world than the surroundings of Yangshuo. To make the most out of it, we took the boat down the river. 8 o'clock at our hostel a very stressed out tourguide picked us up, before we and 30-something others were bussed to the pier.
søndag 28. august 2011
fredag 26. august 2011
The rice fields of Longji
After a very rainy wednesday, Lars and I yesterday went to the rice terraces of Longji. Least to say a spectacualr view. We couldn't really decide wether it was fantacy or an amazing fairytale.
Reed Flute Cave
It was the first day Lars and I were in Guilin, so we had no other choice than staying inside - in a cave. Here's the pictures:
onsdag 24. august 2011
The olympic green
Hey, this post is mostly going to be pictures!This os pictures from When Luna, Edward and I decided to go to the Olympic green during the night. We took pictures and as usual - people took pictures of us!
Tiananmen and The forbidden city
Long time, no see! Again, it has been a while since I last updated my blog and I'm sorry for that. So much has happen since the last time, but I haven't had the time to update the blog due to exams and way to much homework. So I'm going to make it up to you - I'm going to write a looong post starting with The forbidden City!

Group shot.
Group shot.
søndag 7. august 2011
Happy birthday Oskar!
Today is my nephew, Oskar, 6th birthday. In that occation I would like to congratulate him with six pictures!
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