mandag 19. juli 2010


Hey everybody! Rome was great, and I sadly had to leave it not to long ago. But, like most people I left a mark - more precisely Pepsi Twits stains in the ceiling. I also made Dan, the "bodygurad", cut his long disgusting hair short!

My journey from Roma wasn't very fun to put it mildly - I slept in a 5 m2 sleeper room vith five other ladies. No air con, no space. Guess who got a cold! So now I have clogged sinuses and a sore throat. Yay!

Vienna was nice. Tom and I, Tom is a guy I met in Berlin, met up there, we went to the Schoenbrunn castle and saw the gardens. We walked randomly around. And Tom set of the firealarm when he was making his breakfast. Tom claims that it was the best 400 Euro sandwich ever. Tom also says he's the coolest guy ever. He's also a douche. Hahah. No, just kidding.

Now we have left Vienna, and we are on a secret mission in an uknown destination. So, Mamma, if you read this - don't be worried (Tom says he looking after me, but I don't trust him)!


4 kommentarer:

  1. Pepsi Twits stains in the ceiling ?? Love it :)

    Lykke til videre på ferden med din betvilsomme følgesvenn Tom "the Douche"... Mamma har nok ingenting å bekymre seg for!

  2. Ja, Pepsien hadde ligget i frysern og frosset, og saa kom det en fyr og aapnet den opp, og det ble pepsiflekker i taket :P Life's fun, huh? Tom the Douche er egentlig veldig grei, det avr bare det at han sto rett bak meg da jeg skrev paa bloggen ;P

  3. Haha, jeg liker det. Life's definitely fun ;)


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